Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead

Creatures Wiki

CDDA's World is fully filled with lots of deadly creatures ready to face you!

Here's a little list


These are your main, and often your worst enemies after the cataclysm, hungry and angry revived corpses. They come in all shapes, sizes and colors! Some zombies can also transform into fungal variants when exposed to spores, or other variants when set on fire. Many of the zombies are found in cities, but now and then, they can be found in the wilderness.


Zombie drawing
A human body, swaying as it moves, an unstoppable rage is visible in its oily black eyes.

Acidic zombie

Acid Zombie drawing
A sickly-looking dead one. Its skin looks especially thin, with a sticky, yellow fluid flowing through the clearly visible veins.

Firefighter zombie

Firefighter Zombie Drawing
A decaying human body clad in tattered firefighting gear. It staggers aimlessly, reeking of smoke and decay.

Grendier Zombie

Grendier Zombie Drawing
Once a soldier, it is dressed head to toe in combat gear. Its hands constantly fumble at its many pouches.

Crawling Zombie

Crawling Zombie Drawing
This human corpse drags itself along slowly with its arms. Its legs are damaged beyond repair.

Netherworld inhabitants

Cosmic horrors that leak to our world through tears in reality. Also, eldritch.


A mi-go drawing
This is an alien creature of uncertain origin. Its shapeless pink body bears numerous sets of paired appendages of unknown function, and a pair of ribbed, membranous wings which seem to be quite useless. Its odd, vaguely pyramid-shaped head bristles with numerous wavering antennae, and simply gazing upon the unnatural beast fills you with primordial dread.


A blob Drawing
A black blob of viscous goo, oozing across the ground like a glob of living oil.


They were programmed to protect mankind... from mankind.

Beagle Mini-Tank UGV

A mini tank drawing
The Northrup Beagle is a refrigerator-sized urban warfare UGV. Sporting an anti-tank missile launcher, 40mm grenade launcher, and numerous anti-infantry weapons, it's designed for high-risk urban fighting.

Broken Cyborg

A broken Cyborg Drawing
A robot body with the head of a human. All kinds of electronic wires and devices are implanted in its head. Patches of skin look diseased or rotting. This cyborg moves erratically and has a confused and deranged look in its eyes.

Wraitheon Sentinel-lx

A Wraitheon Sentinel drawing
Its exterior plates are sable and gold, this luxurious variant of a Wraitheon drone was once kept as a bodyguard by society's wealthiest. Still with its wrist sword extended, it resembles an ancient knight, standing an eternal watch.

Wraitheon Imaginifier

A Imaginifier drawing
The Imaginifer, one of the few examples of true humaniform robots, was manufactured by Wraitheon for ESCA militaries. They are designed to complement infantry soldiers, being able to use their gear and transports. While similar in shape, they are far removed from the ENIAC's Famulus. The Wraitheon humaniforms are designed to take full advantage of a humanoid shape, not to look human; programmed for game theory, not for sapience.